From Dirt to Dust | Out of Steppe

fromdirt4 Tomorrow evening, Misson Workshop in Los Angeles is hosting an evening celebrating Carhartt WIP‘s trip to Mongolia. There will be an exhibition of photography by Percy Dean and Cyrille Weiner’s from the book From Dirt to Dust and a screening of Stephen Roe‘s accompanying documentary, Out of Steppe.

From Dirt To Dust tracks Carhartt WIP skateboarders, photographers, journalists and an architect who returned to Mongolia to experience, ten years after the first trip, skateboarding and traveling from its anarchic cities to the deepest countryside. The book is a gorgeous telling of their journey as they marvel at Mongolia's landscapes, cities, and drainage ditches. With skateboarding as an uncanny reading grid, the disorientated transplants experienced the creeping westernization of a once powerful Empire.

Out Of Steppe is told through Stephen Roe’s lens, and addresses the contrast of skateboarding from the infinite steppes to forgotten Mongolian towns, and incidentally discovers an urban blooming scene riding the saddle of a galloping Globalization.